You should never ever touch a bra on a first date. Or second date. May be on a third if you are lucky. And I don’t care whether you are a dude or a gal, just don’t touch it.
Because you have no idea what you might be getting yourself into!

So, you just met. Or, no, you didn’t even meet, you are just on phone talking, asking pre-qualifying questions and all you can think about is BRA! You think this is the coolest, the most desirable thing for you at the moment, but…Seriously, stop it! What if you or the other party will never benefit from it? What if you are just not the right fit? Right size? Right state of mind?
Lets say you convinced the other party to sign BRA (and I am talking about B.R.A. – Buyer Representation Agreement, what did you have on your dirty mind?) as soon as you meet, but what if you are as a Realtor getting yourself in trouble? From time to time we all felt some sort of resistance from the buyers when trying to get the BRA signed. Why? Because the buyers are not sure whether we are the right Realtors for them.
So, shouldn’t the Realtors feel the same way? What if this Buyer is not the right kind for me?
BRA imposes certain obligations on both the Buyer and the Realtor. While Realtor gets a promise to get paid if the Buyer buys (not paid by the Buyer – lets keep this straight), Buyer gets the Realtor to be acting in his/her/their best interest, day or night, rain or snow, sick or healthy, until the purchase is made or contract expires.
In my opinion, BRA is way more dangerous for the Realtor then the Buyer, so why Realtors are so eager to get themselves into it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to get to know your client a little better? Make sure you really want to work with them and they are worth protecting their best interest? And then get married, oops, sorry, get Buyer Representation Agreement signed on a date #2 or #3?
Spring must be near, my thoughts are floating in the unpredictable direction…..
Realtors, love your Buyers, Buyers respect your Realtors and may the product of your wonderful relationship last way after BRA comes to an end
More Tips for Home Buyer
7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Neighborhood to Live In
5 Tips for Pleasant Home Shopping Experience
Offer Presentation In Person
Pros and Cons of Buying With Listing Agent
Grow House Anyone? Help yourself – there is plenty around!
12 Steps To Buy Your First Home
Types of Homes – Learning Real Estate Terms
First Time Home Buyers – Wonderful Video For You by CMHC
Discount Real Estate Brokers – Illusion and Reality or Free Cheese, Get now – Pay later
Moving Checklist – based on the list from Martha Stewart
Some More Mortgage Terms and Rates
Mortgage Basics
Your Home and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
10 Reasons Why You Need a Realtor to Buy a House
More Tips for the Home Seller:
No Offense Meant, Home Seller, but some Buyers are Taller then You!!!
Mr. and Mrs. Home Seller, please, Leave the Premises!!!!
Home Seller Tips – Take Lots of Photographs of Your Garden
Closing Your Pool for the Winter – Homeowner Tips
National Do-Not-Call-List – Do You Really Know What this is?
Video Tours, Virtual Tours or a Combination of both
Making Your House Buyer Friendly – 10 Seller’s Best Friends
Please, Don’t Let the Cat Out – you gotta be kidding me!
Handymen Gone Handless or possibly brainfree!
Moving Checklist
Discount Real Estate Brokers – Illusion and Reality or Free Cheese, Get now – Pay later
Your Real Estate Connection:
Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty
Marina.Realtor – Condos and Houses for rent – New and Resale Condos and Towns from Developers
Marina Gavrylyuk
Sales Representative
Sutton Group-Summit Realty Inc. Brokerage
1100 Burnhamthorpe Road West #27
Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 4G4
Cell: 416-843-1515 Tel.: 905-897-9555