There are people who will spend any time to save a bit of money and there are people who will spend any money to save a bit of time. Who are you?

The question is, when you need something done, something that you don’t do everyday and that you don’t really love doing, would you spend time and effort to master the skill or would you pay to get it done?Would you cut your own hair?
Would you fix your kitchen faucet?
Would you sew your new shirt when you need one?
Would you bake a birthday cake for your kid?
Would you do your car oil change?
Would you replace your roof yourself?and
Would you sell your own house?Many of this things if done yourself would save you money but not time. There are also other risks involved and one of the risks is messing it up so badly that you would waste both your time and your money.
There are things, that I would never do no matter how much it costs. I will never touch accounting. I will not try to fix anything related to electricity, computers or cars. I cant sing.
There are also things, that I can do, but I have to admit – I suck at pet grooming, I am a horrible gardener, I make disgusting coffee and I cant golf (once I got a standing ovation from the club house people after I managed to hit a ball, finally, after 40 minutes of ridiculous attempts)
But, I am brilliant at selling houses, great at negotiations and fabulous at finding dream homes, even when the buyer does not even suspect this was their dream home 🙂
Your Real Estate Connection:
Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty
Marina.Realtor – Condos and Houses for rent – New and Resale Condos and Towns from Developers
Marina Gavrylyuk
Sales Representative
Sutton Group-Summit Realty Inc. Brokerage
1100 Burnhamthorpe Road West #27
Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 4G4
Cell: 416-843-1515 Tel.: 905-897-9555